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Business Development Coaching

Our coaching is designed to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of Sales/Business Development efforts allowing individuals and teams to generate long term, sustainable revenue growth.

We offer a range of coaching programmes to support individuals, teams or small groups in helping them improve significantly their Sales/Business development performance.  This is done through:

  • Working with individuals on a tailored programme, lasting up to 9 months.  This programme is usually more appropriate for senior individuals in an organisation who need to improve their skills ahead of, or just after promotion.
  • For more junior people, a combination of our on line app and coaching of small groups of between 6-12 people.  

Content is delivered through workshops or on line (on demand) and is backed up by small group coaching sessions to embed the learnings, ensure practise, share experiences and deliver tangible performance improvements.  To learn more about how our BD group coaching programme can help your team, click here.